Stefano Amerighi
The winery of Stefano Amerighi is a great Italian excellence, born from the love and the desire of producing a high-quality wine, respecting the environment and recovering ancient craft techniques. Having laid the foundation of the company, which is in business since 2002 with an immediate success, on ethical and biodynamic principles, Stefano has developed a larger project of sustainable agriculture. All the authenticity and transparency features can be found in the winery's production wine-symbol: the Syrah. Belonging for centuries to the Amerighi wine production, Stefano wanted to restore production in the manner of his ancestors, with crushing in the old fashioned way, with feet, and with pruning and tilling soil in relation to the phases of the moon and planets. The farm is located in a Cortona area that is called Poggiobello Farneta, surrounded by rolling hills and sunny in the south and south-west sides. The choice of this location was not a random one, but in accordance with the unique features of a unique terroir: in fact, Stefano studied the geological and climatic features to identify the ideal place for the descendants of the Syrah selections from the Valle del Rodano. The pace and the flavors of nature are indulged and exalted, capturing the precious ruby clusters from which he can obtain a precious value wine.