FLEMMING'S - Wine and Gourmet Shop
Karolinská 706
Mississippi House
186 00 Hlavní město Praha
Everything you need for a night out with friends. Thoughtful flavor combinations, brilliant in their simplicity. Dinner, without long preparations, ready in a flash.
Start with some bubbles to relax and lift the mood. Follow with white wine and toast topped with delicious pesto Trapanese. While you're enjoying the appetizers, throw some garlic in a pan to fry in olive oil. Add the sauce and let it simmer over low heat. At the same time, bring a pot of water to a boil and cook the tagliatelle until al dente—always a little less than you might expect. Strain the pasta, drizzle with a bit of oil, and toss with the prepared sauce. Finish with a touch of salt and pepper, or add peperoncino or grated cheese.
A better meal than what you'll find in most so-called Italian restaurants awaits! Serve with a red wine. The Barbera variety pairs perfectly with tomato sauce.
Buon appetito!