FANGST, BLÅMUSLING No. 1 (blue mussel)
FANGST, BLÅMUSLING No. 1 (blue mussel)
FLEMMING'S - Wholesale
Údolní 212/1
147 00 Hlavní město Praha
FLEMMING'S - Wine and Gourmet Shop
Karolinská 706
Mississippi House
186 00 Hlavní město Praha
FANGST, BLÅMUSLING No. 1 (blue mussel) Limfjord blue mussels. Marinated. With dill and fennel seeds.
In the cold water of the Danish inlet Limfjorden, ‘blåmuslinger’ (blue mussels) grow slow to acquire a particularly fine taste and texture. Most of them are then shipped off to foreign kitchens but some we keep for ourselves. With a marinade of cold pressed rapeseed oil, apple vinegar, dill and fennel seeds, FANGST brings you our version of the blue mussel.
Ingredients: Blue mussels (76%), cold pressed rapeseed oil* (11%), apple vinegar* (11%), dill seeds* (0,5%), fennel seeds* (0,5%), salt
Water: Limfjorden